Who We Are

Deviance Magazine is a porn magazine entirely composed of written and drawn content for every taste and texture – except, perhaps, the extremely vanilla. Now, after a successful crowdfunding campaign, we’re launching our inaugural annual print run the first four issues of multisexual, delightful printed smut!

We’re excited to publish over 15 different contributing artists and writers, the majority queer and transgender.

Today, pornography and erotica takes place almost entirely online. Gone are the golden-age print magazines to hide under your bed or niche, vintage fetish rags full of personal ads and hand-drawn erotica. While the internet has enabled a proliferation of smutty material, the mainstays of the weird old internet are now defunct. Much of what’s available has become homogenous, boring, and makes most of us feel left out to dry (and too dry). Today’s general focus on video and photographic as pornographic standard excludes those of us whose desires might be fantastical – or not quite logistically possible. The spirit of Deviance’s all written-and-drawn format recaptures the imagination required for a truly excellent nut for our readers and contributors alike.

The contributors of Deviance Magazine range from experienced sex workers, kinksters, and lifestyle fetishists, to other skilled creatives new to the world of producing art and writing about sex – and ravenous to get started. Deviance is not just a porn rag but a platform for horny artists to finally connect their creative talent with their sex drive, breaking down the artificial barrier between the two.

While most of us are queer and kinky, Deviance wants it all. Inspired by gay magazines such as “Straight To Hell” and “Bound & Gagged” which featured real life stories, crowdsourced write-ins, personals, and adventurously extreme fantasies, our magazine is for all sexual deviants to squirrel away under their bed or display proudly on their dresser next to their cuffs, crops, plugs, and paddles.

Sexual diversity and centering fantasies that have rarely seen the light of day – whether because of queerphobia, transphobia, or kink shaming – is key to our project. With a Deviance subscription, not only will there be plenty of opportunities for all deviants-next-door to write in about what’s getting them overexcited these days, you’ll get to read them all in our tearoom wall sections.

Our magazine contains a circus, a buffet, a tapas of sexual tastes. The only requirement is that it was created to get us wet and hard.

Our yearlong print run was funded in July 2023 as an Indiegogo. We can’t wait to get copies into your sweaty hands. Stay tuned – print copies will be available for order in January-February 2024.

Our Deviant Mission

In a culture that believes that there cannot be art with sex, unfortunately, there’s a lot of sex without art.

A culture that denigrates and censors sexual art damages everyone. When we don’t get to see artful, well-produced depictions of sex, kink, pleasure, and fantasy, our collective ability to have creative sex suffers, regardless of identity or orientation. Those of us whose desires go beyond the missionary position often experience deep shame, which worsens when we feel alone. While online communities can offer respite, the intimacy of a printed, material magazine can provide a different kind of comfort: our fantasies don’t have to lurk only in erased browser histories, but can be enjoyed right here, in front of us, in our hands and laps.

At Deviance, we believe all fantasies are good fantasies. Exploring sexual imagination through writing and art is one of the healthiest, sanest, safest ways to better understand and discover who you are and what you want. Your private imagination is yours alone; there is no fantasy you’re not allowed to have. While some fantasies can’t be acted on in the real world, whether because of logistics or ethics, it is always worthwhile and even healing to fantasize about whatever gets you wet, hard, or both – especially in a culture that constantly tells us our desires are fundamentally wrong, bad, or immoral. Consciously engaging even the frightening or taboo parts of our sexuality can cultivate meaningful thinking about their place in our lives, while learning to accept our desires and ourselves. A world in which we can all fantasize without shame is a safer sexual world: less repression means less sexual violence, not more. We’ve created Deviance to put this philosophy into action.

Our mission is to heal sexual shame for the sake of catalyzing more and hotter content. (Humiliation and degradation might be hot in some contexts – but not when you’re so ashamed you can’t even enjoy it!) We also aim to cultivate community among our handpicked contributors that encourages collaboration, where everyone eggs each other on to get weirder, hotter, wilder – an orgy of creative work. And as they said in Shortbus, “Voyeurism is participation.” Our subscribers are there to watch!

Too many artists of previous generations died with their most passionate work either unshown or unmade, for fear of backlash or even legal repercussions simply because the work was genuinely horny. Without a bridge between these severed worlds, self-censorship and cultural conservatism risk destroying some of the most exciting, spectacular images and writing before they even make it to the page.

In a moment where neo-fascism and a resurgence of extreme conservatism threaten all forms of sexual expression, gender nonconformity, and freedom of speech, Deviance Magazine is fighting to create a healthier, hotter sexual culture through publishing. By paying all of our artists and writers for their work, Deviance supports financial future for artists and writers paving the way.

Human sexuality is so diverse and spectacular; there must be excellent content for all tastes. Subscribing, reading, and helping kickstart our magazine is one way to exercise your sexual citizenship, protect freedom of expression, and help us together do our part to make the world safer for good sex and each other. Deviance is working (and getting) hard to inspire more and better porn and erotica for us all.

A Promise To Our Community

Because this magazine proudly publishes erotic material from a variety of marginalized backgrounds, including queer and transgender voices, we work hard to protect the privacy, safety, and well-being of all our contributors, as well as pay them fairly for their labor. This is a small operation led by a passionate editor with years of independent publishing experience alongside a collective of enthusiastic creatives. This means we may have slower production times than some of our larger counterparts – as well as potential discriminatory struggles with social media, credit card companies, and web hosts on the basis of our content. We want to make sure we do everything legally and safely in order to protect our contributors, editors, and subscribers. We’ll be working hard to get our magazine into your hands in a timely fashion, making this magazine sustainable for subscribers and creators alike.


For inquiries about publishing, advertising, or media, please contact devianceeditor@gmail.com.